The all-new Xiaomi Mi 11 series is set to be launched on 28th December. As the launch time is coming near, the phone is also getting revealed by the company. Previously, they confirmed that the Mi 11 series would feature Snapdragon 888 chipset, and now today, they have revealed some more things.
The poster (mentioned below) shows that the all-new Mi 11 series would feature the 7th generation of Gorilla Glass, named “Gorilla Glass Victus.” It is the toughest glass yet in a smartphone as it is the latest generation of Gorilla Glass.
The Gorilla Glass 7 (Victus) comes with the following benefits:
- Improved drop performance, up to 2 m
- High resistance to scratch and sharp contact damage
- High retained strength after use
- Superior surface quality
- Lower softening point (if compared with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 and Corning Gorilla Glass 6)
In the next poster (mentioned above), the company has revealed the display of the Mi 11 series. The company has mentioned that the Mi 11 screen is a breakthrough in high-end screens regardless of cost. The screen has the following three characteristics:
- This screen used crazy piles of materials to build
- This screen has created 13 new screen breakthroughs,
- This screen has a cost comparable to a mainstream TV screen.
The company has also mentioned that the strategic breakthrough in imaging and charging was their main target in 2020. In 2021, their primary target is to produce high-end screens.
The all-new Mi 11 series is coming on 28th December (upcoming Monday).