
OnePlus CEO Pete Lau exposed a night shot sample of the OnePlus 5

Recently the OnePlus 5 has frequently been exposed, and the CEO of OnePlus Pete Lau has been the main source of the phone’s exposures. Pete Lau on his weibo released a picture which is rumored to be the OnePlus 5’s night shot sample.

night shot sample of the OnePlus 5

The night shot image exposed by Pete is crystal-clear. The image shows the building’s evident details and pure sky. The stars in the sky could even be found if you take a close look. Pete Lau added few words to the picture. It said: “What a purely clear sky! See you at 10:00 am tomorrow. Good night.” It is obvious that something important will happen to OnePlus.

OnePlus has already announced the OnePlus’s oversea launch date- at 0:00, on June 21(Beijing Time). We can expect to hear the OnePlus 5’s launch time in China soon.


David Tian

David is the editor @ MyFixGuide. He loves technology, especially good at laptops and mobile phones. In his free time, he loves to take apart the latest mobile phones and laptops.

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