On December 1, Qualcomm will bring its next-generation flagship SoC – Snapdragon 875. It will become the standard configuration of flagship smartphone products in 2021. However, today, the blogger @Digital Chat Station brings news of the Snapdragon 875 Plus.
Digital Chat Station said: It is reported that many brands have mentioned the chip frequency of their flagship mobile phones to a relatively high level, which is expected to be higher than the 2.84GHz of Qualcomm Snapdragon 875. Some manufacturers may also have a dedicated GPU control panel. But this feature may be canceled because Qualcomm will also launch the Snapdragon 875 Plus with a higher frequency, which also means that this chip will have a higher performance level.
It is rumored that the Snapdragon 875 will use the ARM Cortex-X1 and 5nm process technology to bring a higher level of performance. According to Qualcomm’s practice, the Snapdragon 875 Plus may be the official overclocked version of the Snapdragon 875, However, in terms of sales, it may be the same as this year’s Snapdragon 865, and only a few mobile phone manufacturers can get it.
If the news is true, it means that game phones carrying the chip may be available in the first and second half of next year. In addition, whether the manufacturer will carry this chip depends on the positioning of the specific products.