A few days ago, Apple launched its Silicon chipset, which is known as Apple M1. The chipset is used in Apple’s latest generation of Macbook Air and Macbook Pro 13.
The famous blogger @Mobile Chip Master (on Weibo) has recently revealed that Apple may launch a new (second) generation of its silicon chipset. According to him, Apple is expected to launch another silicon chipset in the second half of next year in 2021.
The blogger also said that it might be called the Apple M2 silicon chipset. Moreover, he also revealed Apple’s internal code name of that chipset – Jade. Unlike the Apple M1 chipset, this chipset would be used in Apple’s desktops like Mac Mini or Mac Pro.
Recently, Apple has launched its new chipset – Apple M1, which seems to be Apple’s immense success. The chipset has a lot better performance than many of the latest Intel Core chipsets. The chipset consists of eight cores and is based on 5nm production.
The leaked Geekbench scores of Apple’s M1 chipset are very impressive compared to other PC chipsets. It is also worth mentioning that Apple is no longer using Intel’s chipset in its Mac computers.