It is known that the upcoming Redmi K40 series is expected to launch this month. The officials revealed no confirmed date, but today, we got some exclusive news. This morning, the General Manager of Redmi (Lu Weibing) confirmed the all-new Redmi K40 series’s official launch date.
As mentioned by the General Manager, the year of Ox is approaching, and the brand new Redmi K40 series will be launched officially on 25th February. 25th February is the 14th of the first lunar month. He also mentioned that this is the first new year gift from Redmi to its customers.
As reported, both the standard and pro versions of Redmi K40 were listed on the 3C Certification, which showed both models’ charging capacity, i.e., 33W.
Lu Weibing also previously revealed that the Redmi K40 would have a version with a Snapdragon 888 chipset and a starting price of about 2,999 yuan. In addition, the Redmi K40 series will be equipped with a battery above 4000mAh, with a straight screen design.
Some rumors also suggest that the Redmi K40 series may also come with a Dimensity 1200 or Snapdragon 870 powered version. But for official news, we have to wait until the launch event.
The all-new Redmi K40 series will be launched on 25th February.