
Baidu announces to wholly-owned acquisition in KITT.AI

The chairman of the artificial intelligent product committee Jing Hun has announced on the Baidu Create 2017 that Baidu will wholly own acquisition in KITT. AI to apply KITT.AI’s phonological ability and natural language processing ability to Baidu platform, which will enable Baidu’s cooperative partners to use the service for totally free.


KITT. AI offers Conversational Understanding as a service. It is a Seattle-based setup focusing on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technologies and NLU-enabled under interfaces. KITT.AI is the only company getting invest from the Amazon Alexa Fund and co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen in the world. KITT.AI’s technology researchers have been applied to Chatbots and it has developed “verbal hot word detection” function.

On the Baidu Create 2017, GuoGuo Chen, the co-founder, and CTO of KITT.AI, has demonstrated the usage of KITT.AI’s verbal wake technology. After entering the Snowboy’s wake word lexicon, the developer can define your own new wake words. Only three voice samples of the wake word can finish the training. After the test is over, the device will automatically memorize the wake word.


David Tian

David is the editor @ MyFixGuide. He loves technology, especially good at laptops and mobile phones. In his free time, he loves to take apart the latest mobile phones and laptops.

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