Yesterday, it was reported that the vivo X70 Pro had been spotted on the Google Play Console listing. But today, another model from the same flagship series has been spotted on the same site. This time, it is the high-end version, vivo X70 Pro+ (model number V2145A).
The listing confirms that the vivo X70 Pro+ would be powered by the Snapdragon 888 chipset. The disappointing thing is that the high-end model is still equipped with the Snapdragon 888 instead of the Snapdragon 888+.
As you can observe through the front renders, the display design of the Vivo X70 Pro+ is completely similar to the X70 Pro. It has the same Full HD+ (2400*1080) resolution but with a different density (i.e. 480 DPI). Similarly, the memory capacity (8GB RAM) and Android version (Android 11) of both devices are exactly the same.
A few days ago, the same model was listed on the 3C Certification with 66W charging (20V/3.3A), a decent upgrade over the previous 55W charging technology in vivo X60 Pro+.
It is worth mentioning that only global variants of the suspected device are listed on Google Play Console. That’s why we can conclude that the global launch is not far away. It is expected that vivo will launch the new X70 flagship series in 4Q21.